Monday, Dec 18, 2023

Moon Water Magic: Elevating Your Mindset for an Empowered 2023

Greetings, wellness warriors! As a health coach passionate about the intersection of nature's power and our mental well-being, I'm thrilled to dive into a transformative practice for this Winter Solstice 2023: crafting Moon Water. This isn't just about creating a mystical potion; it's about setting intentions and using the moon's energy to elevate our mindset and thrive in the upcoming year.

What is Moon Water?

Moon Water is more than just H2O; it's a symbol of intention and transformation. By infusing water with the lunar energies, we create a medium that carries the qualities of the moon - reflection, renewal, and clarity. This water becomes a powerful tool for mental and emotional rejuvenation.

The Significance of the Winter Solstice

The Winter Solstice marks a pivotal point in our calendar - it's a time for introspection and setting new intentions. As the longest night gives way to increasing light, it symbolizes our journey from inner reflection to outward action. Creating Moon Water during this solstice can become a ritual for mental reset and clarity.

Creating Your Moon Water

To make your Moon Water, choose a clear container and fill it with pure water. On the night of the solstice, place your container under the moonlight and set a clear intention. This could be anything from achieving a specific goal to cultivating a positive mindset. The key is to focus your thoughts and energies as the moon imbues the water with its qualities.

Moon Water and Mindset

Using Moon Water can be a daily reminder of your intentions. Here are some ways to integrate it into your routine:

- Morning Ritual: Start your day by sipping Moon Water to align with your intentions.

- Meditation Aid: Use it to anoint yourself before meditation for enhanced focus and clarity.

The act of creating and using Moon Water is a mental exercise in itself. It's about being mindful of our thoughts, intentions, and the energy we bring into our lives.

Upgrading Your 2023

As we step into 2023, let Moon Water be your ally in maintaining a positive, empowered mindset. Each sip can be a reminder of your goals and aspirations, keeping you aligned with your path of personal growth and mental strength.

This Winter Solstice, I invite you to embrace the practice of creating Moon Water. It's a simple yet profound ritual that can have a lasting impact on your mindset and overall well-being. Let's use this time to set powerful intentions and step into 2023 with clarity, purpose, and renewed energy.

I'm eager to hear about your Moon Water experiences and how it has influenced your mindset and goals for the new year. Share your stories and insights in the comments below. Together, let's inspire and uplift each other as we embark on this journey of self-improvement and mental empowerment!

Yours in Health & Wellness,


Robina Abramson-Walling
Robina Abramson-Walling
Empowering Women: Overcoming Limits, Embracing Power

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